Frit Wood – Tutorial Download oder online View Pages We used Herbstsonnenuntergang | Autumn Sunset Fritblend.

Frit Wood – Tutorial Download oder online View Pages We used Herbstsonnenuntergang | Autumn Sunset Fritblend.
Lisa hat fleißig auf unseren Chirurgenstahl-Ohrsteckern geperlt, und die Ergebnisse auf dem Acrylglas-Display (large) von Vetromagic präsentiert. Vielen lieben Dank fürs Herzeigen! So einfach kann man Vetromagic-Displays verschönern oder anpassen – einfach mit Klebefolie bekleben und schon erstrahlt es in verändertem Glanz!
Glass art in person: Michalela Klamert’s Stringer-Story! Michaela about herself Michaela says about herself that she is – in the star sign of Pisces – very sensitive and emotional and easily takes something to heart. In addition, she is also funny, strong-willed, energetic and interested in many things: classical music, quantum physics, medicine …
„I’ve been making glass jewelry for many years now, and something that has inspired me from the beginning, were striped stringer. For example, the classic green and black striped stringer on encased flower beads or the colorful, striped Stringer, with which I apply the flowers on my ‚youth style beads‘. I love the delicate lines
Glass art in person: blended works, but all in black & white! This time we asked for pictures of your black and white works on Facebook, and this is what we got – an amazing mix of great ideas: Thanks for all the pictures we got from you!
Glass art in person: Michaela Erhart An overview of Michaela’s glass works – and to choose these wasn’t simpel – she also works, next to glass, with felt, wire and fabric…. Wie alles begann … Zur Glasperlenherstellung ist sie 2009 über ein besonderes Hobby, das Mittelalter, gekommen. Da es oft sehr schwer war, gute Repliken
You need: – 1 luster terminal (you can get these at the DIY market) – 1 mandrell (can be a old one the is slightly crooked, you can use the other end still for making beads!) – small slot screwdriver – Stanleyknife Carefully remove metall-interior of the luster terminal – unscrew both screws and
Im Vetromagic-Shop findet Ihr Glas, Fritten und Puder in AK 104, sowie Zubehör und Werkzeuge für die Arbeit am Glasbrenner.