Oh Tannenbaum! – Tutorial

Oh Tannenbaum! – Tutorial
Passend zu Halloween gibt’s hier Riesenspinnen von Christa. Die Körper sind aus Glas mit Snakeskin | Schlangenhaut und Inferno Fritten. Die Anleitung für die gruseligen Riesenspinnen gibt’s hier: Spinnen-Videotutorial Zu den Frittenmischungen: Bloody Mary, Inferno, Schlangenhaut
Regina Fischer created this gorgeous earstuds-tutorial for you! Thank you, Regina! Free tutorial for IMPLOSION-EARSTUDS. Here you find more of Reginas works: www.kellerdrache.jimdo.com. Products we used: Frit blend Schwarzer Tiger | Black Tiger or any other you like Aventurine brown frit Earstuds Earstud display
To thank all our loyal customers, we want to give you a Christmas present! So from now on until 24th of December we add a Nuggets blend as a present to every order. (As long as we have some left.) We hope to give you some joy with our present. We wish you alle the
Sandra Arduwie made a tutorial for gorgeous spacer beads with our frit blends for you! Thank you, Sandra! Swirl Spacer Beads Tutorial
See Fairy Dance in the Vetromagic-Webshop.
The DANGLES-Tutorial by Christa and Burgi is now available in English. This creative ear studs will raise a smile. Enjoy making your own Dangles! DANGLES Tutorial English (for free)
The tutorial for your own personalized earstuds! We wrote down a tutorial for you how to bead directly onto our new surgical steel earstuds to get beautiful individual earstuds without glueing! Use it with all our blends – they will look great! Earstud-PDF-Tutorial How to make Earstuds – step by step manual – with
Antje did it again! This time she made a pretty necklace out of her beautiful hollow beads! These are decorated with the fritblend „Coral Garden„. And isn’t the picture fantastic? Thanks a lot for showing Antje!! Here you can visit Antje sweet and colorful shop! 1001-TRESORS-du-SUD.fr – Antje Beurtheret – 2 Rue Les Eglantines Frontignan
Antje did her magic again! Result is this great hollow bead – decorated with the Vetromagic-fritblend Yellow Daffodil! Don’t you start dreaming of summer while looking at it? Thanks a lot for showing Antje!! Here you can visit Antje sweet and colorful shop! 1001-TRESORS-du-SUD.fr – Antje Beurtheret – 2 Rue Les Eglantines Frontignan F –
Im Vetromagic-Shop findet Ihr Glas, Fritten und Puder in AK 104, sowie Zubehör und Werkzeuge für die Arbeit am Glasbrenner.